Food QUality





Analysis of Edible Oils & Fats


Edible Oil Analysis with FT-NIR Spectroscopy

Edible oil producers and food processors are seeking fast and non-destructive way to analyze fats and oils for process and quality control purposes. Different parameters are used to assess the quality of edible fats and oils, including iodine value (IV), free fatty acids (FFA), trans fatty acids (TFA), anisidine value (AV), and various other parameters



  • Edible Oils
  • 橄榄油
  • 油炸油
  • Marine Oils
Analysis of Edible Oils with XRF Spectroscopy

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) enables fast and nondestructive elemental analysis of process indicators such as phosphorus and chlorine in edible oils.布鲁克’s元素分析仪组合包括基于高通量的实验室ED-XRFandWD-XRF,,,,点射击手持式XRF,,,,Micro-XRF,和超轨道分析TXRF光谱仪。带有能量分散光谱仪polarized X-rayoptics are particularly suitable for the analysis of trace level elemental concentrations in oil and similar (light) matrices.

固体脂肪含量(SFC)确定是公认的国际标准方法,对食品加工和开发的重要性是主要的重要性。SFC测定用于测量脂肪成分的熔化曲线,以确保几种最终产品的适当性能,例如人造黄油and cocoa butter.布鲁克还提供了一个全自动解决方案,包括回火程序,TD-NMR测量和确定SFC值以及熔解曲线的表示。

随着粮食欺诈变得越来越普遍,在食品市场领域,检查真实性(指定起源的PDO产品)非常重要。食品生产商希望保护他们的品牌形象。消费者依靠监管机构来控制所吃的食物的质量和起源。吞噬食物是该行业的一个很大的关注,也具有很大的财务影响。确定原点或掺假的最佳工具之一是质谱法,要么MALDIorLC/GC MS系统。

Rancidity of edible oil is a major problem in food related industries. It occurs during storage and is caused by free radical oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, resulting in foul odors and tastes in the final product.布鲁克的紧凑,但完全自动化electron spin resonance (ESR)系统专门设计用于测量食品中的自由基氧化和保质期。它将在短短30分钟内测量自由基而不是最终产物的氧化耐药性。

TD-NMR是基于乳液的产品制造中快速质量/过程控制和研发的交钥匙解决方案。液滴尺寸分布(DSD)油在油中(O/W) emulsions asmargarine, low fat spread, and butterinfluences their taste, smell, and appearance, as well as their shelf life and spread behavior. TD-NMR allows a fast, non-invasive, and accurate analysis of the droplet size distribution in these products. Additionally, it requires minimum sample preparation and no dilution.

具有长链分子的脂肪using both X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS). Heating and other processing steps in the production have often been created empirically from methods well known to the industry. XRD and SAXS allow food scientists to understand and optimize the nanoscopic origins of oil and fat properties including flavor, lubricity, smoke point and shelf life.






麦克斯弗里- producer of vegetable ingredients for oils and fats - relies on Bruker FT-NIR spectrometers for the rapid analysis of fats and oils. FT-NIR did not only simplify the in-house quality control. Today, Maxfry also offers services in the field of olive oil analysis based on NIR spectroscopy.


Gallardoliva-由于其经验和努力始终达到最高质量的产品,该品牌设法获得了最佳的石油。Bruker光学MPA FT-NIR光谱仪今天是快速分析橄榄油和橄榄糊的重要工具。

固体脂肪含量分析与时域核磁共振使用MinispecSFC analyzer