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The Role of Metabolomics in Understanding Traditional Chinese Medicines

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The Role of Metabolomics in Understanding Traditional Chinese Medicines



传统的Chinese medicines(TCM)在全球范围内广泛用于预防和治疗病毒性肺炎,因为他们相信它们的潜力增强了人体对肺炎病毒的抗性并调节其免疫反应。许多病毒已经建立了与宿主免疫系统相互作用的复杂机制。

TCM已被证明可以增强抗体的产生和T细胞增殖,以及抗原特异性反应的表达。[I] TCMS,由各种类型的药用植物,动物和矿物质组成,以口服液体,粉末和颗粒的形式形式据报道以达到某些治疗作用,但其机制尚不清楚。

How Can Metabolomics Help Validate TCMs?

Omics technologies are valuable tools in TCM research. Metabolomics in particular is a new logical approach that can help locate functional small molecules to evaluate the pharmacological effect of TCMs.[ii] The systematic study of the metabolic profile that specific cellular processes in the body leave behind, metabolomics can provide useful information to help diagnosis and prognosis of patients as well as in predicting pharmacological responses to specific interventions.

作为一种新颖的美联社proach to understanding disease, metabolomics provides a "snapshot" in time of all metabolites present in a biological sample such as plasma, serum and urine. Recent reports suggest that metabolomics analysis may provide clinicians with the opportunity to identify new biomarkers for detailed phenotypes and their progression in viral pneumonia.[iii]

Evaluate TCM Effectiveness of TCMs

Metabolomics helps understand the metabolic changes of a complete system under different kinds of physiological and pathological conditions. This property of metabolomics agrees with the holistic thinking of TCMs, suggesting it has the potential to improve our understanding of the theory behind the evidence based TCM.

In recent years, an increasing number of metabolomics studies have examined the metabolic profiles after TCM treatment of viral pneumonia.[iv] Metabolomics may provide an opportunity to clarify the action mechanism of TCM and the meaning of evidence-based TCM by developing the systematic analysis of the metabolites and discovering various biomarkers and perturbed pathways after TCM treatment.

One study[v] looked at eight published metabolomics and TCM extracts related articles to find several different metabolites, including triglycerides, amino acids and carbohydrates, were perturbed in viral pneumonia groups. Metabolomics data from this research suggested that the active compound and herbs, such as Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. Et Zucc, Flos Lonicerae Japonica and Fructus Forsythiae were effective in combating viral pneumonia. Five published metabolomics and TCM formulas-related articles were listed and 17 TCM-related plant species and four TCM formulas were found to be effective to combat viral pneumonia.

The Future of Metabolomics


它将成为支持TCM研究的强大方法。当前对TCM的研究仍处于起步阶段,因为多组分混合物通常具有其自身固有的整体生物活性。在布鲁克,我们认为,由我们尖端的,综合的代谢组学解决方案支持的代谢组学 - 药理学研究将看到令人兴奋的发展,因为TCM的古老传统是由科学的。


[i] Li Y, Ooi LS, Wang H, But PP, Ooi VE. Antiviral activities of medicinal herbs traditionally used in southern mainland China. Phytother Res. 2004;18:718-22.

Jong Seok L, Kyoung CM, Hye Suk H, Eun-Ju K, Yu-Na L, Young-Man K, Min-Chul K, Ki-Hye K, Young-Tae L, Yu-Jin J. Ginseng diminishes lung disease in mice immunized with formalin-inactivated respiratory syncytial virus after challenge by modulating host immune responses. J Interferon Cytokine Res. 2014;34:902-14.

Wang KC, Chang JS, Chiang LC, Lin CC. Sheng-Ma-Ge-Gen-Tang (Shoma-kakkon-to) inhibited cytopathic effect of human respiratory syncytial virus in cell lines of human respiratory tract. J Ethnopharmacol. 2011;135:538-44.

Lin-Lin M, Miao G, Hui-Qiang W, Jin-Qiu Y, Jian-Dong J, Yu-Huan L. Antiviral activities of several oral traditional chinese medicines against influenza viruses. Evid Based Complement Altern Med. 2015;2015:1-9.

[ii] Sun X, Song L, Feng S, Li L, Yu H, Wang Q, Wang X, Hou Z, Li X, Li Y. Fatty acid metabolism is associated with disease severity after H7N9 infection. EBioMedicine. 2018;33:218-29.

Banoei MM, Vogel HJ, Weljie AM, Kumar A, Yende S, Angus DC, Winston BW. Plasma metabolomics for the diagnosis and prognosis of H1N1 influenza pneumonia. Crit Care. 2017;21:97.

Lu C, Jiang Z, Fan X, Liao G, Li S, He C, Han L, Luo S, Liu Y, Lin H. A metabonomic approach to the effect evaluation of treatment in patients infected with influenza A (H1N1). Talanta. 2012;100:51-6.

[iii] Stewart CJ, Hasegawa K, Wong MC, Ajami NJ, Petrosino JF, Piedra PA, Espinola JA, Tierney CN, Camargo CA Jr, Mansbach JM. Respiratory syncytial virus and rhinovirus bronchiolitis are associated with distinct metabolic pathways. J Infect Dis. 2017;217:1160-9.

[iv] Meng X. Wang Shouchuan教授治疗的肺炎的复合草药配方的规律性以及基于代谢组学的Jinxin口服液体和贝拉辛蛋白的抗RSV效应。NJUCM。2017。

[v] Lili Lin, Hua Yan, Jiabin Chen, Huihui Xie, Linxiu Peng, Tong Xie, Xia Zhao, Shouchuan Wang and Jinjun Shan (2019) Application of metabolomics in viral pneumonia treatment with traditional Chinese medicine, China: Springer Nature.

[vi] Zhang A,Sun H,Wang Z,Sun W,Wang P,Wang X.代谢组学:了解中医。Planta Med。2010; 76:2026-35。