
超高场NMR是唯一允许对蛋白质和蛋白质复合物的结构功能生物学进行高级研究的分析技术之一,包括内在无序蛋白质(IDP)。1.1和1.2 GHz NMR仪器的Bruker系列提供了无与伦比的稳定性和光谱分辨率,使研究人员比以往任何时候都进一步了解了功能结构生物学的世界。

Advanced research

with advanced NMR technology




1.2 GHz
布鲁克(Bruker)的新型UHF NMR磁铁技术使得实现28.2 Tesla的磁通量,这对应于1.2 GHz的质子谐振频率
布鲁克(Bruker)的1.1和1.2 GHz NMR磁铁利用内部截面中的高级高温超导体(HTS)和低温超导体(LTS)的新型混合设计,并在磁铁外部的低温超导体(LTS)中。
High Resolution
Bruker的1.1和1.2 GHz光谱仪已针对高分辨率NMR实验进行了优化。精致的场均匀性和时间场稳定性超过其他高场磁铁,例如驱动模式系统。

多年来,高分辨率NMR仅限于23.5 Tesla的磁场,相当于1.0 GHz的质子谐振频率。该限制是由金属,低温超导体(LTS)的物理性质设定的,并于2009年首次在法国里昂的Ultra-High Field NMR中心使用Avance®1000光谱仪到达。

High-temperature superconductors (HTS), first discovered in the 1980s, opened the door towards even higher magnetic fields at low temperatures, but considerable challenges in YBCO HTS tape manufacturing and in superconducting magnet technology made further UHF progress daunting until recently.

力量的独特1.1和1.2 GHz核磁共振磁体utilize a novel hybrid design with advanced high-temperature superconductor (HTS) in the inner sections and low-temperature superconductor (LTS) in the outer sections of the magnet. The Ascend 1.1 and 1.2 GHz are stable, standard-bore (54 mm) magnets with exquisite homogeneity and field stability compatible with the demanding requirements of high-resolution NMR. The 1.2 GHz spectrometers are available with different ultra-high field probes, including CryoProbes for solution-state NMR to fast-spinning MAS solid-state NMR probes.

标题:艺术家对UHF NMR磁铁的印象。螺线管磁铁由几个由不同超导材料制成的浓度排列的磁铁部分组成。bob综合游戏NBTI(黄色)用于磁铁的最外部部分,中场区域的NB3SN(红色)和中央部分中的高温超导体(蓝色)。低温垫片线圈用于改善磁场的均匀性。持续的操作确保磁场随着时间的推移非常稳定

布鲁克GHz-Class NMR for Functional Structural Biology Research

布鲁克is helping shed light on functional-structural biology research with advanced NMR solutions. Novel GHz-class NMR technology enables advanced research into the structural basis for affinity and specificity of protein-ligand interactions, including a better understanding of structural features of cell membrane proteins, and the molecular mechanisms involved in protein folding and aggregation.

The increased spectral resolution and sensitivity of the 1.2 GHz NMR has already enabled research teams to look more deeply at proteins and better understand the initial steps of amyloid-type protein aggregation as well as the function and structure of the Tau protein, both commonly associated with Alzheimer’s disease.





In 2019, Bruker successfully installed the world's first 1.1 GHz NMR system at St. Jude's Children Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.

Dr. Charalampos Kalodimos, Chair of the Structural Biology Department at St. Jude's Children Research Hospital stated: "We are thrilled to have received the first 1.1 GHz NMR spectrometer, which will be our most important tool to perform research in the area of dynamic molecular machines such as molecular chaperones and protein kinases. We commend Bruker on this impressive technological achievement."

不久之后,在2020年初,布鲁克在佛罗伦萨大学的CERM上安装了世界上第一个1.2 GHz NMR系统。CERM是欧洲结构生物学研究基础设施的意大利中心。

Following the successful installation, professors Lucia Banci and Claudio Luchinat at the CERM of University of Florence, stated: “We are thrilled to have the world’s first 1.2 GHz NMR spectrometer successfully installed in our lab. We are looking forward to putting the instrument to use in our research on the structures and function of proteins linked to neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases, as well as in cancer and viral protein structure and functional research. Right now, we are actively working on SARS-CoV-2 proteins, and we will soon record the first 1.2 GHz NMR spectra of a protein from this coronavirus!”

2020年晚些时候,布鲁克在瑞士的Eidgenössischetechnische Hochschule(ETH)苏黎世成功安装了世界第二个1.2 GHz NMR光谱仪。该1.2 GHz光谱仪是第一个为固态NMR配置的。

当时,教授击败了Meier,Matthias Ernst和Alexander Barnes在ETH上说:“我们很高兴能够成功安装在我们的实验室中的世界上第一个1.2 GHz Solid-State NMR光谱仪。该系统仅几个月前就交付了NMR磁铁的安装和充满活力的表现非常出色。安装的完成标志着我们将近十年前与Bruker一起开始的一个项目的高潮。我们非常期待开始我们的第一个超高领域实心 -状态NMR实验。”

ETH利用其1.2 GHz NMR系统来开发新的固态NMR技术,并将这些技术应用于研究材料和生物系统,包括与帕金森氏症和阿尔茨海默氏症等疾病有关的蛋白质原纤维。bob综合游戏1.2 GHz光谱仪还将用作进一步改善NMR方法论的基础,并研究固体催化剂和功能材料,e。bob综合游戏G。用于能源转换和数据存储。

At the beginning of 2021, Bruker was proud to announce the successful installation of its fourth 1.2 GHz NMR system at the马克斯·普朗克学院(MPI)对于哥廷根的生物物理化学,使他们的研究团队能够对SARS-COV-2核素蛋白(N)蛋白提供新的见解,并有助于对帕金森氏症和阿尔茨海默氏症的疾病的更深入的分子理解。

Goettingen的Max Planck生物物理化学研究所主任兼科学成员克里斯蒂安·格林辛格(Christian Griesinger)教授说:“新的1.2 GHz光谱仪将使我们能够表征IDP的液滴和寡聚体,这些液滴和寡聚是诸如covid-19,neuroDegenerative-19,neuroDegenerative-19,neuroDegenerative-19,neuroDegenerative-19,neurodegenerative-neurodegenerative-19疾病和癌症,无法使用晶体学或冷冻EM进行研究。”

Dr. Markus Zweckstetter, Professor at the University of Goettingen and Group Leader at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, added: “Our first experiments after the installation of the new ultra-high field NMR system have focused on the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid N-protein that is of key relevance for viral-host interactions and viral replication biology. The liquid-like properties of viral replication machineries in combination with the many intrinsically disordered regions of the N-protein make this research ideally suited for GHz-class NMR.”


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