Welcome to

Bruker AXS Area Detector User Groups for Crystallography

一个特别的加入ing the Bruker family in crystallography is joining the worldwide community of Bruker users.

Since the introduction of electronic 2D detectors for the home-lab, Bruker users are exchanging ideas on how best to use their equipment for cutting edge research. Almost every day many hints and tips pass back and forth in the messages on these unique list servers run through the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

There are two electronic Bruker user groups:

  • one for Biological Crystallography
  • one for Chemical/Mineralogical Crystallography.

In order to limit spam, we ask that you to not use gmail or similar type email systems. The only ‘rules’ of the group are that you are an actual user of Bruker crystallographic equipment and software and that no dollar signs be used. We might also ask you to respect the fact that a lot of users are reading your message, so don’t be too wordy and hopefully make it of general interest. Crystallographically challenging problems are always of interest and welcome.