

삶의 질 개선

Bruker만의 특별한 분석법과 기술 시스템은 유전체학, 단백질체학, 대사체학 등 빠르게 발전하는 생명과학 분야에서 어떻게 혁신을 유발하고 있을까요?

생명과학은빠르고 지속적으로 변화하고 있습니다. 새로운 발견은 작은 분자와 큰 분자 치료법 뿐만 아니라 혁신적인 분자 연구법이 더욱 효율적이고 빠르게 발전하도록 이끌며, 그러한 시장의 지속 가능한 성장을 위한 기초가 되고 있습니다.

Bruker는 혁신적인 솔루션을 통해 제약 기업, 연구소, 개발 기구가 치료법의 발전, 비용 관리, 분석능력 확장, 생산성의 획기적인 증대를 추진하도록 지원합니다.

중점 분야


Cell and Molecular Biology

The demand for novel techniques that enable the investigation of biological samples has led to exciting new developments. State-of-the-art techniques enable the investigation of the morphology and surface structure of cells, cell membranes and their cytoskeleton structures, down to individual biomolecules, nucleic acids and proteins at submolecular resolution.
Life Science Reserach Imaging


Imaging plays a crucial role in understanding how the body works in both healthy and disease states and describing responses to physiological or environmental change. It provides important insights into disease mechanisms at organ, tissue, cell, and molecular levels.


Metabolomics aims at a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative analysis of all small molecules present in a cell a tissue or an organism to study the interplay in response to intrinsic and extrinsic factors.


Neuroscience involves the study of neurological disorders and encompasses a wide array of modalities to study the pathology and function of the brain. Our PET/MR instruments allow scientists to address more complicated questions, which are key to understanding a range of debilitating conditions.


Non-invasive imaging provides key insights into tumor development, response to treatment and drug toxicity. The analytical value of individual imaging strategies can be further enhanced by combining structural and functional imaging modalities. Multimodal imaging in preclinical research using in vivo imaging allows cancer-related processes to be visualized in real time with high sensitivity and resolution. A deeper understanding of a range of tumors and improve treatment options have been obtained through the use of a variety of imaging techniques, including MRI, SPECT, PET and CT, and microCT.


Imaging methods have helped researchers determine the precise nature of the underlying causes of many lung disorders, which has significantly improved pneumology diagnoses. Preclinical small animal imaging, in particular, has provided valuable insights into the mechanisms of lung disease and the effects of treatment.


Learn how Bruker's customized and advanced analytical solutions in proteomics help identify potential new drugs for successful treatment and diagnosis.
Structural Biology

Structural Biology

Establishing high resolution structural models of macromolecules, measuring distances in biologically active macromolecular structures, and following conformational changes are widely complementary tasks which finally enable you to build the complete biological picture. Bruker’s solutions are designed to measure data fast, reliable and are easy to use. Bruker provides the tools to convert data into information, information into knowledge and knowledge into understanding.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in clinical diagnostic procedures.