



加利福尼亚州圣何塞(San Jose)和波士顿 - (商业资讯) - Acuity Spatial Genomics,Inc。今天宣布完成Bruker Corporation(NASDAQ:BRKR)的多数投资。敏锐度是一项专注于开放空间3D基因组学和发现多组分分析的新领域。由哈佛大学的专属许可获得了敏锐的空间基因组学的新型技术平台,可以在单个细胞和细胞群体中空间分辨的3D染色质体系结构的全基因组可视化方面取得进展原位。该公司的寡素单电池技术和寡素的高分辨率HD™的加速超分辨率技术将使研究人员有可能进行一系列原位discoveries—gaining insight into the 3D relationships between chromosomes, gene identities and their spatial position in the nucleus; physical gene positioning on chromosomes; chromosome 3D conformation; chromosome and gene copy number variation; chromosomal compartments, TADs and loops; and spatially resolved enhancer-promoter interactions. These unique spatially resolved genomic measurements and their relationships to information in the transcriptome and proteome provide critical context in understanding the complete multiomic picture.

敏锐的空间基因组学利用了在哈佛医学院(HMS)Blavatnik研究所的遗传学教授Ting Wu,PhD实验室开发的专利创新。吴的实验室和她的合作者开发了创新,这些创新能够多重寡头管道协议和试剂方法和分析技术,以创建较短的时间和更具成本效益的方法,以直接在空间和空间上可视化基因组原位。2020年的出版物中强调了这种能力的许多方面自然方法。The Harvard Office of Technology Development facilitated the license agreement.

Dr. Wu commented, “Together with our collaborators, we have pursued the mission of chromosome and chromatin structural visualization over several years. I hope that our approach will allow many others to explore and probe the mechanisms of disease and health toward uncovering insights that can transform our understanding and, eventually, treatment of disease.”

寡素和寡素HD技术核心的许可创新将通过敏锐的空间基因组学进一步开发和商业化。新公司的任务是,有了对3D染色质体系结构的更深入的了解,研究人员可以对驱动细胞类型,状态,发病机理和功能的转录调节程序进行关键的了解。如今,正在进行的研究将空间生物学技术应用于转录组和蛋白质组。但是,对基因组进行空间分析的能力原位,在细胞核中受到限制。敏锐的空间基因组学带来了允许的技术 - 提供急需的直接测量和可视化基因组组织原位, at the single-cell and sub-cellular level, in 3D, and where needed, in super-resolution. These genomic insights can help further the understanding of complex questions in oncology, neuroscience, infectious disease, and cell development.

布鲁克公司Bruker Nano Group的总裁Mark R. Munch博士致力于成立这项事业,并将担任Acuity CEO。Wu Lab的两名博士后成员 - Huy Q. Nguyen博士和Shyamtanu Chattoraj,博士学位 - 以共同创始人的身份加入该公司,并将其在技术方面的专业知识借给了新的合资企业。Wu博士将在科学顾问委员会任职,HMS Blavatnik研究所的遗传学教授George Chart博士也将在科学顾问委员会任职。

“We are thrilled to form the company and accelerate the pathway for enabling scientific discoveries in basic and translational research leveraging these technologies,” said Dr. Munch. “We have an exciting future and know we will be contributing to significant advances in these fields. I am very pleased to be starting this pioneering endeavor with Huy and Shyamtanu.”

敏锐的空间基因组学是布鲁克公司(Bruker Corporation)支持其空间生物学战略投资的一部分。Development of the technology at Harvard Medical School was supported in part by a research collaboration between the Wu Lab and Bruker, and Acuity’s transformative spatial 3D genomics platform is part of a larger initiative by Bruker to develop and expand emerging spatial analysis technologies that can empower researchers with the ability to delve deeper and advance discovery in basic life science and translational research.


Acuity Spatial Genomics,Inc。提供了一个开创性的平台,旨在同时在单细胞中同时在基因组中的3D基因组可视化,并在空间多组分分析中打开了新的边界以进行发现。基于在哈佛大学开发的专利技术,该公司的寡素ofisseq™和寡素的HD™技术使研究人员能够可视化基因组组织和单个细胞的3D染色质体系结构,直接原位,并采用可访问的时间和具有成本效益的方法。敏锐技术平台使可能性更深入地深入研究,并获得对驱动细胞类型,状态,功能和发病机理的转录调节程序的关键见解,从而提高肿瘤学,神经科学和感染性疾病等领域的发现。该公司计划在马萨诸塞州和加利福尼亚的设施中运营。

About Bruker Corporation (Nasdaq: BRKR)

Bruker is enabling scientists to make breakthrough discoveries and develop new applications that improve the quality of human life. Bruker’s high performance scientific instruments and high value analytical and diagnostic solutions enable scientists to explore life and materials at molecular, cellular and microscopic levels. In close cooperation with our customers, Bruker is enabling innovation, improved productivity and customer success in life science molecular and cell biology research, in applied and pharma applications, in microscopy and nanoanalysis, as well as in industrial applications. Bruker offers differentiated, high-value life science and diagnostics systems and solutions in preclinical imaging, clinical phenomics research, proteomics and multiomics, spatial and single-cell biology, functional structural and condensate biology, as well as in clinical microbiology and molecular diagnostics.


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Bruker Investor Contact:
Miroslava Minkova
Bruker Director of Investor Relations & Corporate Development
T: +1 (978) 663-3660, ext. 1479
E:[email protected]


类别: Press Releases