Rapiflex®MALDI Tissuetyper®

The rapifleX® MALDI Tissuetyper® re-defines the key performance measures for MALDI Imaging

速度 - 鲁棒性 - 定义

Designed for MALDI Imaging


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Rapiflex Tistuetyper

SmartBeam 3D激光使MALDI成像以最高速度和保真度

Up to 40 true pixels / second for faster and better images.
smartbeam 3D laser for better sensitivity, True Pixel MALDI Imaging and pixel-to-pixel reproducibility.


Rapiflex Tistuetyper

Laser and ion source designed for MALDI tissue typing

During the image acquisition the sample stage moves continually to achieve high pixel rates. The unique smartbeam 3D laser fires at a repetition rate of up to 10 kHz.

The smartbeam 3D laser features a laser diameter of 5 µm, enabling MALDI Imaging of tissue at 20 µm spatial resolution. As illustrated in the video, the laser can move independently from the sample stage to scan the full area of each pixel. This produces truly square pixels which utilizes the total available sample area for maximum sensitivity and pixel-to-pixel reproducibility.

Integrated software solutions

  • 屈曲dedicated molecular histology software controls data acquisition, data visualization, annotation and integration of virtual microscopic slides
  • SCiLS™ Lab是用于统计分析的专用软件。从单个成像数据集到完成临床生物标志物研究,它具有单变量和多变量方法来挖掘数据并找到相关信息
Smartbeam laser movement


Rapiflex Tistuetyper


  • Extends uptime between cleaning by orders of magnitude
  • Easy access to self-aligning ion lenses when cleaning is in fact needed. No tools are needed to extract the whole first lens package which then can be rinsed with Ethanol, dried and re-inserted

Leading Software for MALDI tissue typing

屈曲allows to set up and analyze individual datasets

  • Further improved automation
  • 向导驱动的用户友好设置新实验
  • True 64-bit application allows efficient handling of megapixel datasets
  • Direct access to single mass spectra
  • 批量采购
  • Co-register and super-impose virtual microscopic slides at full resolution for detailed histological annotation
MALDI Imaging data overlaid with virtual microscopic slide in flexImaging

SCiLS™ Lab

Integrating with SCiLS™ Lab Pro for statistical analysis allows automatic assignment of tissue classes.

With the unparalleled speed of the rapifleX®,3D Maldi Tissuetyper®studies are within reach. The SCiLS™ Lab Premium 3D option allows the reconstruction, visualization, and statistical analysis of 3D Imaging datasets.

Distribution of three distinct m/z values in a 3D reconstruction of 49 sagittal mouse brain sections containing a non-metastasizing cerebellar tumor with SCiLS™ Lab.


Rapiflex Tistuetyper

Tissue typing – A clinical discovery workflow

The speed of the rapifleX®thistuetyper®allows for fast acquisition of images and SCiLS™ Lab solution seamlessly allows for classification of the data sets, enabling tissue typing at minimal time. Tissue micro arrays can be analyzed very rapidly. The soft smartbeam 3D laser effectively ionizes the analytes but does not harm the tissue, in fact histological staining is possible after the acquisition of the MALDI data set.




“Translational clinically oriented research with imaging mass spectrometry is critically dependent on speed and robust operation. Current instrumentation is limiting its full adaptation. The rapifleX MALDI Tissuetyper allows us to finally overcome that limitation. It enables us to engage in high-throughput clinical studies and establishes mass spectrometry imaging as a powerful and reliable information source for personalized medicine research.“

荷兰马斯特里赫特大学M4i主任Ron M.A. Heeren博士教授
