Services & Support

LabScape Services and Lifecycle Support

Gain peace of mind and ensure your success with Bruker’s comprehensive portfolio of services support.

对Bruker LabScape Services and Support

From inquiry to installation, and throughout the lifetime of the instrument, Bruker services provide our customers with dedicated and personalized support to ensure their instruments maintain maximized uptime and optimized productivity.

Bruker’s dedicated team of applications scientists, engineers, and service managers not only assist our customers with technical inquiries and scientific questions but also, help them plan for the future to bring their research to the next level.

technical Customer Support

Technical Customer Support

From inquiry to installation, and throughout the lifetime of the instrument, Bruker services provide our customers with dedicated and personalized support to ensure their instruments maintain maximized uptime and optimized productivity.

HelpDesk & Office Contacts

Dedicated hotlines for regions and countries across all our technologies.

Consumables & Spares

Bruker’s service support you in getting original consumables, spares and accessories as quick and safe as possible

Training & Education

Bruker's training centers support your success by offering a comprehensive range of training courses

Software Support & Upgrades

Bruker services & support provide you with software downloads of patches and early access modules, service agreements with our One Success program or analytical services that give you early access to latest Bruker technologies.

Documentation & Manuals

Bruker's user manuals help you to successfully apply our advanced software and use our hardware.
Maintenance Agreements

Maintenance Service Agreements

Bruker LabScape maintenance service agreements offer solutions to fit and match individual customer requirements to ensure the highest standards of reliability and productivity.

Product End Of Life Notice

When your instrument approaches the end-of-guaranteed support period, turn to the Bruker team of dedicated experts for additional support and upgrade options.

Terms & Conditions

General terms and conditions and service conditions.