NMR Research Instruments

CryoProbes for NMR

Bruker offers a whole world of applications with significantly increased sensitivity for all sizes of probes



QCI-F CryoProbe

Versatile Quadruple Resonance CryoProbe for fluorine applications and triple resonance bio-NMR

CryoProbe Prodigy

CryoProbe™ Prodigy changes routine NMR into nitrogen NMR, enabling enormous sensitivity at an affordable price

QCI-P CryoProbe

Versatile Quadruple Resonance CryoProbe for Structural Biology Applications

TCI CryoProbe | Proton Optimized Triple Resonance | NMR Inverse Probe

Bruker’s TCI Cryoprobe is a proton optimized triple resonance NMR inverse probe which features four fully independent channels. Learn more today.

TCI MicroCryoProbe

Proton-optimized triple resonance NMR ‘inverse’ probe, featuring four fully independent channels (plus lock channel) for simultaneous decoupling of multiple nuclei such as 13C and 15N.

Double Resonance Probes

The Bruker Dual Probes offer an ideal combination of outstanding sensitivity, lineshape, and pulse widths.

BBFO CryoProbe

Highest NMR sensitivity for the periodic table of NMR - The BBO CryoProbe offers the highest commercially available sensitivity for the broadest range of nuclei, designed for both observe and inverse detection.

TXO CryoProbe

Expanding the range of biomolecular NMR spectroscopy The family of triple resonance observe CryoProbes, optimized either for 13C or 15N detection, reveals new possibilities for studding the most challenging biological systems: intrinsically disordered proteins, large molecular complexes and in-cell NMR.

BioSolids CryoProbe

Increasing Sensitivity Without Sample Modification


Bruker is a manufacturer of the CryoPlatform which acts a cooling infrastructure for cryogenic probe operations. Learn more today.


CryoProbe Flow Conversion System - To add versatility to our CryoProbe product line we offer the CryoFIT™ accessory that enables the conversion of a tube based CryoProbe to a flow-through CryoProbe.
冷冻探针的发展™交付一个of the single largest increases in NMR sensitivity in the last few decades.
Signal-to-noise-ratio enhancement of up to a factor of five for a CryoProbe when compared to an equivalent room temperature probe.
虽然只有一毫米远离坳d zone of the CryoProbe, the sample is stabilized at a user-defined temperature around ambient or, depending on the probe options, at a temperature between -40 °C and +135°C.

Apart from DNP the development of CryoProbes™ delivered the single largest increase in NMR sensitivity in the last few decades. This jump in sensitivity enables scientists to observe sample amounts that were considered too small only a few years ago.

Bruker BioSpin offers two product lines of cryogenic probe technologies: one based on a closed cycle helium cryocooler (CryoProbe), the other on an open cycle liquid nitrogen cooling system (CryoProbe Prodigy). While the detection coil temperature is considerably lower for the first case, the working principle is identical for both:

  • The transmit/receive coils as well as the tuning and matching circuits are maintained at a very low temperature in order to reduce the noise contributions resulting from the random thermal motion of electrons in the conductors (Johnson-Nyquist noise). The resistivity of pure metals decreases further with lower temperature, which additionally reduces the noise. Preamplifier, filters and transmit-receive-switch are also cooled in order to improve the noise figure of the electronic components.

  • The reduced noise contribution by probe and electronics yields a signal-to-noise-ratio enhancement of up to a factor of five for a CryoProbe and two to three for a CryoProbe Prodigy compared to an equivalent room temperature probe. This can easily translate into an order of magnitude higher throughput.

For both platforms automatic cool-down, warm-up and timer features are controlled by the CryoPlatform resp. The Prodigy Control Unit and the associated CryoPanel™ software. The one button operation of cool-down and warm-up are completed in ~4 hours for the CryoPlatform. For the Prodigy platform the corresponding durations are ~2 hours. A timer feature enables the execution of these functions at any predefined time, whether or not the user is attending. Once in the cold state a Cryoprobe can be used just like a conventional probe. The cooling systems control all functions and guarantee excellent stability during both short and long term experiments.

虽然只有一毫米远离坳d zone of the CryoProbe, the sample is stabilized at a user-defined temperature around ambient or, depending on the probe options, at a temperature between -40 °C and +135°C. Sample handling in a CryoProbe is the same as for room temperature high resolution probes. All cryogenic probes can be fitted with an ATM-Unit for automatic tuning and matching of all probe channels. For automatic sample changing Bruker Biospin offers different solutions ranging from high-throughput screening, overnight automation to multi-user open access (SampleJet, SampleXpress, SampleCase). For flow methods, CryoProbes are compatible with the BEST™ Flow Injection Accessory and may also be used in combination with LC-NMR. With CryoFIT™ a CryoProbe can be converted from tube operation to flow methods.


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