Vibrational Spectroscopy Software OPUS




OPUS Package


The first true touch-operated software for infrared spectroscopy. Highest accessibility for FT-IR beginners and full instrument control for experts.


Intuitive touch screen IR analysis


  • Multitouch enabled for pinch-to-zoom, etc.
  • Guided material verification and identification
  • Catalogue of dedicated R&D workflows
  • Full suite of IR processing/evaluation tools
  • Auto-report-generation and data archiving
  • cGMP and 21 CFR p11 compliance
  • Extensive user rights management
  • Live spectrometer status control
  • Data to e-mail support

OPUS-TOUCH is available for:

Scientific instruments are finally becoming more accessible by implementing smart touch controls. Although touchscreens have long since found their way into everyday applications, spectroscopic devices pose a special challenge in software design.

With OPUS-TOUCH, Bruker offers the first and truly optimized software for measuring, interpreting and processing IR spectroscopic data, by combining a slim design with exceptional functionality.

The toolset of OPUS-TOUCH provides all necessary functionalities. Materials are verified by the Quick Compare spectra comparison method, that provides validated, unmistakable results, while spectrum search in commercial or your own libraries identifies unknown samples. Predefined workflows for routine tasks significantly improve your user experience and minimize the time needed to perform measurements.

Components in complex materials are quantified using Lambert-Beer based calibrations and for spectrum characterization peak-picking can be applied on the original spectrum or, if overlapping bands need to be separated, its derivatives.

The self-adapting analysis report always provides a perfect overview of your evaluation results and all data, without exception, is safely stored in the built-in data archive.

Lastly, OPUS-TOUCH monitors your hardware and steadily informs the user about the current overall system status. Detailed information about spectrometer components, the validity as well as operational (OQ) and performance qualification (PQ) can be easily accessed and if needed, the fully automated instrument test routines are directly started.